
The accounting customer party.


  • Occurrence: [1..1]
  • Namespace: urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-2

Child Elements

Data FieldOccurrenceDefinition
cbc:EndpointID[1..1]The main identifier of this entity (CamInvoice ID). (e.g. KHUID00001234).
cac:PartyName[០..1]A name for this party. In our case, the business's khmer name.
cac:PostalAddress[1..1]The party's postal address.
cac:PartyTaxScheme[1..1]A tax scheme applying to this party.
cac:PartyLegalEntity[1..1]A description of this party as a legal entity.
cac:Contact[1..1]The primary contact for this party.


        <cbc:RegistrationName>Angkar Battambong</cbc:RegistrationName>