API Reference
Get New Access Token

Getting Access Toking


This endpoint is used to obtain a token for authentication.

POST {BaseURL}/api/v1/auth/token
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic {encodedClientId:clientSecret}
  "refresh_token": "{refreshToken}"


  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Authorization: Basic Auth clientId:clientSecret
    • The clientId and clientSecret should be base64 encoded.

Success Response

http status code: 200

tokenThe obtained authentication token.
token_typeThe type of the token, usually "Bearer".
expire_inThe duration in seconds for which the token is valid. After this period, the token expires and a new one must be obtained.

Error Response

http status code: 401

errorThe error code indicating an invalid client.
error_descriptionDescription of the error, typically "Invalid client credentials" when client is unauthorized.


  • The token received in the 200 response should be used as a Bearer token for subsequent requests requiring authentication.
  • Tokens expire after 900 seconds (15 minutes).